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10 Quiz on Inventors and Inventions | Who is the inventor | Trivia Quiz on Inventions | GK Quiz

10 Quiz on Inventors and Inventions | Who is the inventor | Trivia Quiz on Inventions | GK Quiz

1. Who invented the internet?
a) Bob Kahn & Vinton Cerf
b) Steve Jobs
c) Jonas Salk
d) John Bardeen

2. The ballpoint pen was invented by?
a) Biro Brothers
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Samuel Morse

3. The first modern motorcar was built by?
a) Andre Citroen
b) Karl Benz
c) Etienne Lenoir
d) Elmer Berger

4. The air conditioner was invented by?
a) Willis Carrier
b) Nikola Tesla
c) JOhn Logie Baird
d) Guglielmo Marconi

5. The aeroplane was invented by whom?
a) Karl Benz
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Orville & Wilbur Wright

6. The polio vaccine (oral) was invented by?
a) Albert Sabin
b) Albert Calmette
c) Gaston Ramon
d) Leila Denmark

7. Who invented the Television?
a) Karl Benz
b) John Logie Baird
c) Write Brothers
d) Wilhelm Rontgen

8. The FM radio was invented by?
a) Edwin Howard
b) Louis Lumiere
c) George Washington
d) Ladislo Carrier

9. The railway engine was invented by?
a) John Logie Baird
b) James Dewar
c) Robert Koch
d) George Stephenson

10. The wireless remote control was invented by?
a) Willis Carrier
b) Shockley
c) Robert Adler
d) Adam Anter

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